Ataraxia Massage Therapy

Graeme Webb – Qualified Massage Therapist

I started receiving massage therapy at around the age of 20 years old. Since then the range of treatments and techniques has continually fascinated me.
Back in 2015, I started a home study course for massage, giving treatments to family and friends… Much to my delight treatments were enjoyed so much that I had friends of friends asking for treatments. It was at that point that I decided to take the next step to train professionally and become qualified and insured to give treatments.

In 2019 I completed my first course in deep tissue massage and it wasn’t long before I started on my next treatment course.

I opened the studio in January 2020 (as a secondary job) however with the Covid pandemic I closed the studio in March 2020 and now in 2022 I’ve reopened.

My treatment principles

1. Assessment

When you make your initial appointment I take time to assess your needs, your health and your posture. So I can taylor make your treatment, ensuring you get the best results.

2. Treatment

Based on the assessment my treatment will be guided to ensure you get the maximum benefit and go away feeling rejuvenated.

3. Evaluation

At the end of the session, I will discuss the treatment with you and evaluate what I've done, and recommend any at home exercises and whether any follow-up treatment is needed.